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Congratulations for being curious!

You saw the candy and clicked on it.  Curiosity is fundamental to how we learn.

Children do the same every day all across the world.


They see a piece of candy, they pick it up, and someone in the shadows waits for the effect of the drugs hidden in the candy to take effect.

Those children are captured, taken away, and they become part of a horrifying world-wide statistic of children being trafficked.

In some cases it's candy, but in other cases the lure used could be a toy, alcohol, a modelling deal...  

We want children to grow up in a world where they are protected.  
Where their lovely curiosity is nourished and not a deadly mistake.

Will you join us?


99% of victims trafficked for sexual exploitation are women and girls. (IBLA, 2019)

small key iconTraffickers use threats, lies, violence, debt bondage, and coercion to force victims to engage in commercial sex acts against their will. Young girls who live on the streets, or whose families are extremely poor are particularly vulnerable to this kind of trafficking.